
Experts Share: What Will Bitcoin’s Price Look Like in 2022?


There are many different perspectives on the futurity of the market. Bitcoin is withal a small market cap instrument, so there volition be high volatility in the brusk term. However, if yous look at the primal applied science, the longer-term view, about a five-year or ten-twelvemonth horizon, we're very confident that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay. In fact, blockchain will have a bigger affect on guild than the internet. The industry will get bigger &mdash; and when the industry gets bigger, the price will get higher. We are also seeing an increasing corporeality of involvement from institutional players, which also indicates a more bullish market in 2022.<\/p>\n\northward

&nbsp;<\/p>\n\due north\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:sixteen:23","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:xviii:02","sort":7,"translations":{"id":1133,"explained_post_id":1140,"title_en":"Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance","content_en":"


There are many different perspectives on the future of the market. Bitcoin is still a small-scale market cap instrument, and so there volition be high volatility in the short term. However, if you wait at the fundamental applied science, the longer-term view, nearly a five-year or 10-twelvemonth horizon, nosotros're very confident that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay. In fact, blockchain will accept a bigger touch on on society than the internet. The industry will become bigger &mdash; and when the industry gets bigger, the toll will get higher. We are also seeing an increasing amount of interest from institutional players, which also indicates a more bullish market in 2022.<\/p>\n\n

&nbsp;<\/p>\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\northward\north\north\n\n\due north\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\north\n\n\northward\n\northward\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\north\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\northward\n\n\due north\northward\northward\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:16:23","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:02","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\due north\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\northward\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north"}},{"id":1141,"post_id":37855,"title":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin","content":"


Max: $xiv,000<\/p>\n\n

Min: $5,000<\/p>\due north\northward\northward\due north\n\n\n\n\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:17:28","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:02","sort":eight,"translations":{"id":1134,"explained_post_id":1141,"title_en":"Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin","content_en":"


Max: $14,000<\/p>\n\n

Min: $five,000<\/p>\n\northward\northward\n\north\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\north\n\due north\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\north\n\n\north\n\n\north\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\n\northward\northward\n\n\northward\northward\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\due north\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\northward\n\north\n\due north\n\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\north\north\n\due north\due north\north\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-ten sixteen:17:28","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:18:02","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\northward\n\n\north\northward\n\due north\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\due north"}},{"id":1142,"post_id":37855,"title":"John deVadoss, Caput of development at Neo","content":"


The value of asset forecasting is to make election polling look good.<\/p>\n\n

In all seriousness, the motivation in investing in BTC (and crypto at large) is in relation to its benefits over the contest. The all-time performing asset of the past decade has been BTC; I don&rsquo;t see why at that place cannot be an encore over the next decade.<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\northward\north\north\n\n\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:18:41","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:02","sort":9,"translations":{"id":1135,"explained_post_id":1142,"title_en":"John deVadoss, Head of development at Neo","content_en":"


The value of asset forecasting is to make election polling look good.<\/p>\n\due north

In all seriousness, the motivation in investing in BTC (and crypto at large) is in relation to its benefits over the contest. The all-time performing asset of the by decade has been BTC; I don&rsquo;t see why at that place cannot exist an encore over the side by side decade.<\/p>\n\due north\n\northward\north\northward\north\northward\n\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\north\north\n\n\northward\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\north\north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:18:41","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:02","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\north\n\north\n\due north\n\n\n"}},{"id":1143,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Daniel Diemers, Caput of blockchain at PwC","content":"


I believe no i can seriously predict price levels &mdash; this hasn&rsquo;t worked in 2022, 2022, 2022 and neither this twelvemonth. So, my prediction is $100,000 for one BTC by the finish of 2022, which is probably more wishful thinking. But on a more serious note: I remain bullish on the lead currency that BTC is for two reasons: We see a lot of incumbents, traditional banks, wealth managers, and even asset managers moving into crypto. That&rsquo;s actually my daily work: defining strategies for them on how to successfully enter the arena and bring their clients &mdash; simply also their own organization and civilization &mdash; into the crypto globe. Alongside that, we&rsquo;ll see much more what I telephone call &ldquo;BTC-access products&rdquo;: derivatives on BTC, common funds, and &mdash; one day &mdash; ETFs. The second reason is, in my view, that BTC is indeed the lighthouse currency in an increasingly complex not-fiat ecosystem: Think security tokens and stablecoins hitting the markets, they will exist pegged to their respective underlyings, so BTC equally an &ldquo;independent,&rdquo; liquid, popular and noncorrelated cryptocurrency will actually proceeds in appeal, also because of the stability of the blockchain &ldquo;backside&rdquo; Bitcoin. Here, the miners play a fundamental role, so I&rsquo;m always following closely, for case, how miners make choices across Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.<\/p>\northward\north\n\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\northward\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:19:13","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":10,"translations":{"id":1136,"explained_post_id":1143,"title_en":"Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC","content_en":"


I believe no i can seriously predict price levels &mdash; this hasn&rsquo;t worked in 2022, 2022, 2022 and neither this year. So, my prediction is $100,000 for 1 BTC past the terminate of 2022, which is probably more than wishful thinking. But on a more serious note: I remain bullish on the atomic number 82 currency that BTC is for ii reasons: We see a lot of incumbents, traditional banks, wealth managers, and even nugget managers moving into crypto. That&rsquo;s actually my daily piece of work: defining strategies for them on how to successfully enter the arena and bring their clients &mdash; but likewise their ain organization and civilization &mdash; into the crypto world. Alongside that, we&rsquo;ll see much more what I call &ldquo;BTC-admission products&rdquo;: derivatives on BTC, mutual funds, and &mdash; one day &mdash; ETFs. The second reason is, in my view, that BTC is indeed the lighthouse currency in an increasingly complex non-fiat ecosystem: Think security tokens and stablecoins hitting the markets, they volition exist pegged to their corresponding underlyings, so BTC every bit an &ldquo;independent,&rdquo; liquid, popular and noncorrelated cryptocurrency will actually gain in appeal, too because of the stability of the blockchain &ldquo;backside&rdquo; Bitcoin. Here, the miners play a cardinal part, so I&rsquo;m always following closely, for example, how miners brand choices across Bitcoin, Bitcoin Greenbacks and Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.<\/p>\northward\n\n\northward\n\north\n\north\n\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\due north\n\n\north\northward\due north\n\due north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\due north\north\n\north\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n\due north\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\northward\n\north\n\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-ten 16:xix:13","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:02","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\due north\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\northward"}},{"id":1144,"post_id":37855,"title":"Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet","content":"


Min: $0, Max: int.MaxValue<\/p>\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:nineteen:56","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","sort":11,"translations":{"id":1137,"explained_post_id":1144,"title_en":"Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet","content_en":"

\"Adam<\/p>\n\due north

Min: $0, Max: int.MaxValue<\/p>\due north\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\north\n\northward\n\n\northward\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\n\due north\due north\n\n\north\n\north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\n\north\northward\north\n\north\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\north","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:xix:56","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\northward\north\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":1145,"post_id":37855,"title":"Joshua Frank, CEO of The TIE","content":"


In that location is too much uncertainty in the market to predict the price of Bitcoin. Information technology is a relatively illiquid market that remains susceptible to manipulation and that is facing significant regulatory uncertainty globally. If the landscape remains similar to the way it is today &mdash; regulatory dubiousness, declining retail interest and express fundraising for funds I do non think we volition run across upward asset motility. I do believe that the market is maturing and that Bitcoin is establishing equally an alternative nugget form that should be a composite office of a diversified investment portfolio. Some major catalysts for upward price movement would be RIAs becoming more comfortable with digital avails, the SEC approving ETFs or structured products, increasing liquidity in institutional markets, and the ultimate catalyst (which we are not quite gear up for) is pensions allocating to digital assets.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\n\north\n\due north\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:20:24","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:18:01","sort":12,"translations":{"id":1138,"explained_post_id":1145,"title_en":"Joshua Frank, CEO of The Necktie","content_en":"


In that location is too much uncertainty in the market place to predict the price of Bitcoin. It is a relatively illiquid market that remains susceptible to manipulation and that is facing pregnant regulatory uncertainty globally. If the landscape remains similar to the way information technology is today &mdash; regulatory uncertainty, declining retail interest and express fundraising for funds I exercise not think we will see upward asset move. I do believe that the market is maturing and that Bitcoin is establishing as an alternative nugget class that should exist a composite function of a diversified investment portfolio. Some major catalysts for upward cost motility would be RIAs becoming more than comfortable with digital assets, the SEC blessing ETFs or structured products, increasing liquidity in institutional markets, and the ultimate goad (which we are not quite set up for) is pensions allocating to digital assets.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\north\northward\n\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward\n\n\north\n\northward\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\northward\n\north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:20:24","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n\n\due north\n\northward\n\due north\north"}},{"id":1146,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economic science","content":"


With a 99% certainty, nosotros can say that Bitcoin will remain inside a broad range between $100 and $1 meg.<\/p>\n\northward\due north\n\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:21:00","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":13,"translations":{"id":1139,"explained_post_id":1146,"title_en":"Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics","content_en":"


With a 99% certainty, nosotros tin can say that Bitcoin will remain within a broad range betwixt $100 and $one 1000000.<\/p>\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\due north\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\due north\n\northward\due north\northward\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\northward\due north\due north\northward\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\n\due north\n\due north\north\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\due north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\n\due north\northward\n\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:21:00","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\northward\due north\n\due north\due north\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\northward\north\northward\northward\n\due north"}},{"id":1147,"post_id":37855,"title":"Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX","content":"

\"Arthur<\/p>\due north\n

Max: $20,000<\/p>\n\n

If the inflation and shop of value narrative takes hold, Bitcoin should regain its previous all-time loftier. It&rsquo;s a significant physiological level. I expect it will flirt a while with that figure, then eventually break through.<\/p>\n\north

Min: $3,000<\/p>\north\n

Through anecdotal evidence, I believe the median efficiency miner&rsquo;s marginal cost of Bitcoin is in the $iii,000 to $4,000 range. True Bitcoin range bottoms are formed around the breakeven signal for the median miner. If we revert back to acquit territory, I wait the cost to hold $3,000.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:21:50","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":14,"translations":{"id":1140,"explained_post_id":1147,"title_en":"Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX","content_en":"


Max: $20,000<\/p>\north\north

If the inflation and store of value narrative takes hold, Bitcoin should regain its previous best high. Information technology&rsquo;due south a significant physiological level. I expect it volition flirt a while with that figure, then somewhen break through.<\/p>\northward\n

Min: $iii,000<\/p>\due north\n

Through anecdotal evidence, I believe the median efficiency miner&rsquo;s marginal toll of Bitcoin is in the $iii,000 to $4,000 range. True Bitcoin range bottoms are formed around the breakeven point for the median miner. If we revert back to bear territory, I wait the price to hold $3,000.<\/p>\n\north\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\n\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\due north\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward\northward\northward\n\north\n\due north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\n\n\due north\n\north\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\n\n\n\north\north\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\northward\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:21:50","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":1148,"post_id":37855,"title":"Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer","content":"


Min: $iii,400 &mdash; because it&rsquo;s higher than the lowest cost in 2022 and Bitcoin typically sets higher lows each yr.<\/p>\n\n

Max: $200,000 &mdash; everything is possible in crypto, specially with illiquid banking organization, the Fed going haywire with repo operations and the looming recession.<\/p>\northward\north\n\n\n\n\due north\north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:26:22","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:eighteen:01","sort":15,"translations":{"id":1141,"explained_post_id":1148,"title_en":"Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer","content_en":"


Min: $3,400 &mdash; because information technology&rsquo;s higher than the lowest price in 2022 and Bitcoin typically sets higher lows each year.<\/p>\n\north

Max: $200,000 &mdash; everything is possible in crypto, peculiarly with illiquid banking organization, the Fed going haywire with repo operations and the looming recession.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\northward\north\north\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\northward\n\north\north\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\n\due north\n\north\n\north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\n\n\northward\n\north\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\due north\due north\north\due north\northward\north\northward","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:26:22","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\north\n\northward\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":1149,"post_id":37855,"title":"Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves","content":"

\"Sasha<\/p>\due north\northward

Regarding BTC cost, I tin can say one thing only: On average, it will abound.<\/p>\due north\n\n\north\due north\n\northward\north\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:26:53","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","sort":16,"translations":{"id":1142,"explained_post_id":1149,"title_en":"Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves","content_en":"


Regarding BTC cost, I tin say one thing only: On boilerplate, it volition abound.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\north\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\north\north\due north\northward\n\due north\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:26:53","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\due north\northward\n\n\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\n\n\n\northward\northward\northward\n"}},{"id":1150,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officer of Bitwala","content":"


I'k afraid I tin't annotate on that. Such a prognosis might even be interpreted past our customers every bit unauthorised investment advice.<\/p>\n\n

A physical prediction can perhaps exist made: The price of Bitcoin will continue to fluctuate wildly. With the halving in 2022, the increasing number of products bringing liquidity to the market and new regulatory issues (sometimes positive, sometimes negative), the price will remain very exciting.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\north\n\n\due north\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:27:25","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":17,"translations":{"id":1143,"explained_post_id":1150,"title_en":"Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officer of Bitwala","content_en":"


I'm afraid I can't comment on that. Such a prognosis might even be interpreted by our customers as unauthorised investment advice.<\/p>\n\north

A concrete prediction can peradventure be made: The cost of Bitcoin volition continue to fluctuate wildly. With the halving in 2022, the increasing number of products bringing liquidity to the market and new regulatory issues (sometimes positive, sometimes negative), the toll will remain very exciting.<\/p>\n\n\north\n\n\north\north\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\north\n\due north\n\due north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\north\n\north\n\n\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\northward\n\northward\n\north\north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\north\due north\n\n\northward\n\due north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\n\n\n\northward\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-ten 16:27:25","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\n\n\n\north\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\due north\northward\northward\due north\n\north"}},{"id":1151,"post_id":37855,"title":"Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust","content":"


Nosotros accept seen industry leaders make price predictions in the past and go them drastically wrong time and time again.<\/p>\n\due north

In that location are a number of factors influencing the markets, and volatility is still something the cryptocurrency market needs to overcome.<\/p>\due north\n

That said, with increased institutional investment and the ascension of cardinal banking company digital currencies, I am confident that in the long term, BTC will go on to rise and thrive.<\/p>\due north\north\n\northward\n\n\n\north\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:28:12","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":18,"translations":{"id":1144,"explained_post_id":1151,"title_en":"Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust","content_en":"


Nosotros have seen industry leaders make cost predictions in the past and get them drastically incorrect time and fourth dimension once again.<\/p>\due north\n

There are a number of factors influencing the markets, and volatility is still something the cryptocurrency market needs to overcome.<\/p>\n\northward

That said, with increased institutional investment and the ascent of central bank digital currencies, I am confident that in the long term, BTC will continue to ascension and thrive.<\/p>\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n\n\northward\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\north\n\n\northward\due north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n\due north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\due north\north\north\n\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\due north\north\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:28:12","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\northward\n\n\n\north\due north\n\n"}},{"id":1152,"post_id":37855,"title":"Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and","content":"


Of course, I would like the Bitcoin price to go to the moon. However, in 2022 it is unlikely that the maximum will be reset.<\/p>\northward\n

Yeah, a new Bitcoin halving will happen on May 17, 2022, and afterward this upshot, the block reward volition be halved again (to 6.25 BTC). Such a reduction will lead to an increase in demand and, accordingly, price. Therefore, 2022 may be better than 2022. January 2022 was the worst month for Bitcoin, so the 2022 rally should exist expected in February&ndash;May before halving. If by February the price is stably above $7,000, then by the finish of the year, growth is possible to a higher place the high of 2022 &mdash; $xiii,920. That said, Bitcoin is a highly speculative instrument and tin can react in a very fast fashion to daily events such as the prospect of war and we could potentially see even $50,000 per Bitcoin in 2022!<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:28:49","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:xviii:01","sort":19,"translations":{"id":1145,"explained_post_id":1152,"title_en":"Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and","content_en":"

\"Evan<\/p>\n\due north

Of form, I would like the Bitcoin toll to become to the moon. However, in 2022 it is unlikely that the maximum will be reset.<\/p>\n\n

Yep, a new Bitcoin halving will happen on May 17, 2022, and afterwards this outcome, the block reward will be halved again (to 6.25 BTC). Such a reduction will lead to an increase in need and, accordingly, price. Therefore, 2022 may be better than 2022. January 2022 was the worst month for Bitcoin, then the 2022 rally should be expected in February&ndash;May earlier halving. If by Feb the price is stably above $7,000, then by the cease of the year, growth is possible in a higher place the high of 2022 &mdash; $13,920. That said, Bitcoin is a highly speculative instrument and can react in a very fast way to daily events such as the prospect of war and nosotros could potentially see even $fifty,000 per Bitcoin in 2022!<\/p>\n\n\due north\n\n\northward\northward\n\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\northward\n\due north\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\n\n\n\due north\due north\northward\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward\n\n\northward\northward\north\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\northward\n\n\n\due north\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\n\north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\north\n\n\north\north\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:28:49","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:xviii:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\northward\due north\north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\northward\n\northward\n\northward\n\n\n"}},{"id":1153,"post_id":37855,"title":"Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius","content":"


I can run into BTC going above $25,000 a few months after the BTC halving, but nosotros may start the year equally low as $6,000. Bitcoin is a volatile asset &mdash; but that doesn&rsquo;t make it a bad store of value. As CNN reported, BTC has been the best performing nugget over the last 10 years. I won&rsquo;t be surprised if it&rsquo;s again the best performing nugget in the 2022s.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\due north\due north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:29:26","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","sort":xx,"translations":{"id":1146,"explained_post_id":1153,"title_en":"Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius","content_en":"


I tin meet BTC going above $25,000 a few months later on the BTC halving, only we may beginning the year as low every bit $vi,000. Bitcoin is a volatile asset &mdash; but that doesn&rsquo;t go far a bad store of value. Equally CNN reported, BTC has been the all-time performing asset over the last 10 years. I won&rsquo;t be surprised if information technology&rsquo;s once again the best performing asset in the 2022s.<\/p>\due north\n\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\due north\due north\due north\due north\northward\north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\north\n\n\north\north\north\northward\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\due north\n\northward\n\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\north\n\northward\northward\northward\n\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\northward\n\north\north\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\north\n\north\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\north\n\n\n\north\due north\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:29:26","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\northward\north\n\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\north\due north\n\north\north"}},{"id":1154,"post_id":37855,"title":"Nicholas Merten, Founder of YouTube channel DataDash","content":"


I believe the minimum and maximum price Bitcoin will be at by the end of 2022 is $sixteen,000 and $24,000. The reason for this is considering of a few key elements that I've referenced previously on Twitter. When:<\/p>\n\northward

  • The halving cuts new daily issued Bitcoin in half,<\/li>\n\t
  • PlusToken finishes selling its Bitcoin and Ether,<\/li>\north\t
  • And more institutional onramps become available,<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n

    &hellip;Bitcoin&rsquo;s cost will start to motility college, and at a very fast footstep. This range considers the fact that by the terminate of the year of the last halving, we saw Bitcoin'due south price nearly its all-fourth dimension highs. Then, a spread effectually $20,000 would be realistic, according to history.<\/p>\n\n

    &nbsp;<\/p>\n\n\n\northward\northward\north\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-ten 16:30:43","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:xviii:01","sort":21,"translations":{"id":1147,"explained_post_id":1154,"title_en":"Nicholas Merten, Founder of YouTube channel DataDash","content_en":"


    I believe the minimum and maximum price Bitcoin will be at past the end of 2022 is $16,000 and $24,000. The reason for this is because of a few key elements that I've referenced previously on Twitter. When:<\/p>\due north\n

    • The halving cuts new daily issued Bitcoin in one-half,<\/li>\northward\t
    • PlusToken finishes selling its Bitcoin and Ether,<\/li>\n\t
    • And more institutional onramps go available,<\/li>\due north<\/ul>\due north\n

      &hellip;Bitcoin&rsquo;s price will commencement to motility higher, and at a very fast step. This range considers the fact that by the cease of the yr of the final halving, nosotros saw Bitcoin's price near its all-time highs. So, a spread around $20,000 would exist realistic, co-ordinate to history.<\/p>\northward\n

      &nbsp;<\/p>\due north\north\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\north\n\northward\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\n\northward\n\north\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\north\north\n\northward\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\due north\n\n\north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\n\northward\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\north\n\n\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:xxx:43","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:eighteen:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\n\due north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\due north\n\due north\n"}},{"id":1155,"post_id":37855,"title":"Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and founder at Bitcoin Suisse AG","content":"


      No, I cannot and no 1 tin. But if I am forced to bring out my dusty crystal brawl, I would estimate that in terms of Bitcoin cost, 2022 volition be a twelvemonth similar to that of 2022. That is, we will run across a positive trend starting up to the halving and we will see Bitcoin reach shut to a new all-fourth dimension high. Merely that we perhaps need one last shakeout of weak hands before a new sustained positive trend takes hold. With this in heed, I estimate for a minimum price of $five,900 and a maximum cost of $17,000.<\/p>\northward\n\due north\northward\n\north\n\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:31:19","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:xviii:01","sort":22,"translations":{"id":1148,"explained_post_id":1155,"title_en":"Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and founder at Bitcoin Suisse AG","content_en":"


      No, I cannot and no one can. But if I am forced to bring out my dusty crystal ball, I would guess that in terms of Bitcoin cost, 2022 volition be a year similar to that of 2022. That is, nosotros will see a positive tendency starting up to the halving and we will come across Bitcoin reach shut to a new all-fourth dimension loftier. Only that we mayhap demand one last shakeout of weak easily before a new sustained positive trend takes concord. With this in heed, I guess for a minimum price of $5,900 and a maximum price of $17,000.<\/p>\northward\n\due north\north\n\n\north\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\north\northward\due north\north\northward\north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\due north\n\n\n\north\due north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\north\n\n\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\due north\due north\n\n\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\due north\north\north\n\n\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\north\north\n\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\north\n\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-ten 16:31:19","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\north\due north\n\n\n\n\northward"}},{"id":1156,"post_id":37855,"title":"Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec","content":"


      First of all, permit me reiterate that price isn't the same as value. Bitcoin yet has largely the same value proposition at a toll of $100 or $100,000, and it's what Bitcoin *does* that'southward a forcefulness for change in the world, not the speculative dollar value of 1 BTC. For most \"shitcoins,\" notwithstanding, the price is what matters, with people just looking to get rich quick by exploiting others' want for the same.<\/p>\n\n

      All that having been said, my guess is that BTC will generally stay nether $10,000 for a while longer, and maybe fifty-fifty test its supports again at $3,000. At some point, information technology will probably brand another breakout bull run, but I don't think nosotros're anywhere shut to seeing Bitcoin's true marketplace value even so. I don't mean this as a \"to the moon\" prediction, but that it'southward far also soon to properly counterbalance the worth of 1 BTC when we don't know how Bitcoin will ultimately end upward changing the globe of finance yet.<\/p>\due north\northward\due north\n\n\due north\northward\due north\due north","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:31:53","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":23,"translations":{"id":1149,"explained_post_id":1156,"title_en":"Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec","content_en":"


      Commencement of all, let me reiterate that price isn't the same equally value. Bitcoin still has largely the aforementioned value proposition at a price of $100 or $100,000, and it'southward what Bitcoin *does* that's a force for change in the world, non the speculative dollar value of 1 BTC. For most \"shitcoins,\" however, the price is what matters, with people just looking to get rich quick by exploiting others' desire for the same.<\/p>\n\n

      All that having been said, my approximate is that BTC volition mostly stay under $10,000 for a while longer, and maybe fifty-fifty test its supports again at $iii,000. At some betoken, information technology will probably brand another breakout balderdash run, but I don't call up nosotros're anywhere close to seeing Bitcoin'southward true market value yet. I don't hateful this every bit a \"to the moon\" prediction, just that it's far too soon to properly weigh the worth of 1 BTC when we don't know how Bitcoin will ultimately end up changing the earth of finance yet.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n\n\n\northward\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\northward\n\north\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\north\n\northward\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\northward\n\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:31:53","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\n\n\n\due north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n"}},{"id":1157,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi","content":"

      \"Zac<\/p>\due north\due north

      Max: $60,000<\/p>\n\n

      Min: $5,000<\/p>\n\n

      I think we could meet substantial upside afterwards the halving that triggers a new wave of capital that drives the toll to another major parabolic cycle. I don&rsquo;t think there is much downside beneath current levels.<\/p>\northward\n\northward\northward\n\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:33:55","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:xviii:01","sort":24,"translations":{"id":1150,"explained_post_id":1157,"title_en":"Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi","content_en":"


      Max: $60,000<\/p>\north\n

      Min: $five,000<\/p>\n\n

      I think we could come across substantial upside after the halving that triggers a new moving ridge of capital that drives the price to another major parabolic cycle. I don&rsquo;t remember there is much downside below current levels.<\/p>\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\due north\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\due north\northward\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\northward\due north\due north\northward\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\due north\n\northward\due north\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\northward\north\n\due north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\n\n\northward\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\north","created_at":"2020-01-ten sixteen:33:55","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\n\due north\north\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\north\n\n\due north\n\northward"}},{"id":1158,"post_id":37855,"title":"Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt Schoolhouse Blockchain Center","content":"


      This question is very hard and I would non similar to give an estimate. On the 1 hand, at that place is the narrative that considers Bitcoin as digital gold. Co-ordinate to this, the price of a Bitcoin would quickly be in the six-figure range. On the other hand, there are developments in India, China and other countries that make cryptocurrencies very sceptical. If appropriate measures are taken in economically of import countries, the price of Bitcoin can also driblet massively, for example to a low four-digit number. These two extreme cases are both possible in principle and can be argued. This is exactly where the enormous volatility comes from, which nosotros have been observing for some time now.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:35:23","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:18:01","sort":25,"translations":{"id":1151,"explained_post_id":1158,"title_en":"Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Middle","content_en":"


      This question is very hard and I would not similar to give an estimate. On the one hand, there is the narrative that considers Bitcoin as digital gold. According to this, the price of a Bitcoin would apace be in the six-figure range. On the other hand, in that location are developments in India, Cathay and other countries that brand cryptocurrencies very sceptical. If appropriate measures are taken in economically important countries, the price of Bitcoin tin also drop massively, for example to a low four-digit number. These two extreme cases are both possible in principle and tin can be argued. This is exactly where the enormous volatility comes from, which nosotros have been observing for some time now.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\north\due north\northward\northward\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\due north","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\northward\northward","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\northward\n\due north\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\north\n\n\north\northward","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:35:23","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\due north\n\north\due north\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\northward"}},{"id":1159,"post_id":37855,"title":"Robert Schwertner, Influencer","content":"


      Can I predict the Bitcoin price at the end of 2022? Certain, to the third decimal place! 7,000 euros &mdash; plus\/minus 5,000 euros.<\/p>\n\northward

      I see no future for Bitcoin. Information technology is non suitable every bit a ways of payment &mdash; who wants to spend 10 minutes at the checkout in the supermarket for verification. And there is hardly any innovation associated with it. And once the fast Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, arrives, information technology will be too late, and so others will be alee.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\n\n\north\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:36:28","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":26,"translations":{"id":1152,"explained_post_id":1159,"title_en":"Robert Schwertner, Influencer","content_en":"


      Can I predict the Bitcoin price at the terminate of 2022? Sure, to the third decimal identify! seven,000 euros &mdash; plus\/minus 5,000 euros.<\/p>\northward\n

      I see no future for Bitcoin. It is not suitable as a means of payment &mdash; who wants to spend ten minutes at the checkout in the supermarket for verification. And there is hardly any innovation associated with it. And once the fast Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, arrives, it will be also tardily, and so others volition be ahead.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\north\north\n\due north\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\northward\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\n\n\northward\n\north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\n\north\n\due north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\northward\n\n\n\northward\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:36:28","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\northward\northward\n\n\due north"}},{"id":1160,"post_id":37855,"title":"Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner","content":"


      I've really stopped trying to predict the Bitcon price, as it's really anyone'south guess when trying to predict particular fourth dimension scales. I'thou confident the price will continue to ascension in the long term, but predicting the toll short term has go an impossible job.<\/p>\n\n

      Just for fun, let's say betwixt $12,000 and $28,000.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:37:03","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":27,"translations":{"id":1153,"explained_post_id":1160,"title_en":"Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner","content_en":"

      \"Danny<\/p>\due north\n

      I've really stopped trying to predict the Bitcon cost, every bit it's really anyone's guess when trying to predict detail time scales. I'thousand confident the price will continue to ascension in the long term, but predicting the price short term has become an impossible task.<\/p>\northward\n

      Merely for fun, let'due south say betwixt $12,000 and $28,000.<\/p>\n\north\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\north\due north\n\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\north\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\northward","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\due north\n\n\northward","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\northward\n\n\northward\northward\n\due north","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\northward\n\due north\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\n\due north\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:37:03","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\north\n\n\northward\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\due north\n\n\n\north\n"}},{"id":1161,"post_id":37855,"title":"Alexandra Tinsman, President of the NEM Foundation","content":"


      I don&rsquo;t similar to speculate on price, but I believe it still has lots of growth potential.<\/p>\northward\n\n\n\northward\north\due north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:37:38","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":28,"translations":{"id":1154,"explained_post_id":1161,"title_en":"Alexandra Tinsman, President of the NEM Foundation","content_en":"


      I don&rsquo;t similar to speculate on price, merely I believe it still has lots of growth potential.<\/p>\north\due north\north\n\north\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\northward\n\n\due north\n\northward\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\northward\n\northward\north\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\northward\n\north\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\due north\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\n\northward\n\northward\north","created_at":"2020-01-ten 16:37:38","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\due north\north\northward\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\northward\north\n\n\n\n\n"}},{"id":1162,"post_id":37855,"title":"Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart","content":"


      Unfortunately, I cannot brand a statement on this. We are neutral, simply we are pleased if the courses develop positively.<\/p>\northward\northward\n\north\due north\n\northward\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:38:45","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:xviii:01","sort":29,"translations":{"id":1155,"explained_post_id":1162,"title_en":"Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officeholder at Boerse Stuttgart","content_en":"


      Unfortunately, I cannot make a statement on this. We are neutral, but nosotros are pleased if the courses develop positively.<\/p>\n\north\n\n\n\n\due north\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward\north\n\n\north\northward","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\due north\n\due north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\n\n\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\north\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\due north\n\northward\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\northward\n\n\north\northward\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\due north\due north\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 sixteen:38:45","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:xviii:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\northward\due north\n\n\north\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\northward\due north\north\northward\n\north"}},{"id":1163,"post_id":37855,"championship":"John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock","content":"


      My best guess, I would put a max price on Bitcoin of $25,000 and a minimum of $4,000&ndash;$5,000.<\/p>\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:39:xiv","updated_at":"2020-01-ten 17:18:01","sort":30,"translations":{"id":1156,"explained_post_id":1163,"title_en":"John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock","content_en":"


      My best estimate, I would put a max price on Bitcoin of $25,000 and a minimum of $4,000&ndash;$5,000.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\north\n\northward\due north\due north","title_es":"","content_es":"\due north\north\n\northward\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\north\due north\north\northward\due north","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\due north\n\n\due north\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\north\northward\n\n\n\due north\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\due north\n\n\northward\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:39:14","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:xviii:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\north\n\n\n\n\n\northward","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\n"}},{"id":1164,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Vladimir Tomko, Co-founder, CEO and game producer at Blockchain Cuties Universe","content":"

      \"Vladimir<\/p>\due north\due north

      It&rsquo;s hard to accurately predict Bitcoin cost, just considering the upcoming halving and historical data, I believe that minimum value will be effectually $6,500 and maximum value during hype tin reach around $fourscore,000, with a new solid bottom at around $15,000.<\/p>\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\n\n\due north","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:39:forty","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","sort":31,"translations":{"id":1157,"explained_post_id":1164,"title_en":"Vladimir Tomko, Co-founder, CEO and game producer at Blockchain Cuties Universe","content_en":"


      Information technology&rsquo;s hard to accurately predict Bitcoin price, merely because the upcoming halving and historical data, I believe that minimum value will exist around $half-dozen,500 and maximum value during hype can attain around $80,000, with a new solid lesser at around $15,000.<\/p>\northward\n\due north\n\northward\due north\north\n\north","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\northward\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\due north\n\n\n\north\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\northward\n\due north\north\due north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\north\north\n\n\north\north\northward","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\north\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\north\n\n\n\n\n\northward","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:39:40","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\north\due north\n\north\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\north\n\n"}},{"id":1165,"post_id":37855,"championship":"Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift","content":"


      Min: $5,400 (I think we won&rsquo;t retest the $iii,000 prices ever again, merely we could nonetheless take months of bearishness ahead).<\/p>\n\n

      Max: $150,000 (If bubble #5 occurs in 2022, I think nosotros could go up to $150,000 &mdash; and if and then, it&rsquo;ll never fall below $20,000 again).<\/p>\n\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\due north\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:40:10","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":32,"translations":{"id":1158,"explained_post_id":1165,"title_en":"Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift","content_en":"


      Min: $5,400 (I think nosotros won&rsquo;t retest the $3,000 prices e'er again, but we could still accept months of bearishness ahead).<\/p>\n\n

      Max: $150,000 (If chimera #5 occurs in 2022, I remember nosotros could get upwardly to $150,000 &mdash; and if so, it&rsquo;ll never fall below $20,000 over again).<\/p>\n\n\n\n\northward\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\northward\n\northward\n\due north\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\north\n\n\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\north\due north\n\n\n\north\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\due north\north\due north\north\northward\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\north\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\northward\n\northward\n\north","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\due north\n\northward\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:xl:10","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\northward\n\n\n\north","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\due north\northward\n\n\due north"}},{"id":1166,"post_id":37855,"title":"Whale Alert","content":"

      \"Whale<\/p>\due north\due north

      We get a lot of questions most price forecasts. Fifty-fifty though Whale Alert is used past many traders equally a tool to predict prices and trends, we aim to remain a neutral party; we offer no predictions or endorsements for any cryptocurrency or platform.<\/p>\due north\n\n\north\due north\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-x 16:40:34","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","sort":33,"translations":{"id":1159,"explained_post_id":1166,"title_en":"Whale Alert","content_en":"


      Nosotros become a lot of questions about price forecasts. Even though Whale Warning is used by many traders as a tool to predict prices and trends, we aim to remain a neutral political party; we offer no predictions or endorsements for any cryptocurrency or platform.<\/p>\n\due north\n\n\north\north\northward\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\northward\n\due north\n\northward\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\due north\n\n\n\north\n\northward","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\due north\n\due north\northward\n\due north","title_it":"","content_it":"\due north\n\n\n\n\n\north","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\due north\due north\due north\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\northward\n\n\due north\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\n\north\due north","created_at":"2020-01-10 xvi:twoscore:34","updated_at":"2020-01-x 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\due north\n\n\n\northward\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\northward\northward\north\n\n"}},{"id":1167,"post_id":37855,"title":"Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam","content":"


      I don&rsquo;t think I have a solid basis for making such predictions, just I will try.<\/p>\n\n

      Using the basic logic, we can play inside the historical all-time loftier and all-fourth dimension depression boundaries. I retrieve information technology is possible that at some point in 2022 Bitcoin may hit the all-fourth dimension low or even go a fleck below it, so I would say the depression tin exist $3,000.<\/p>\n\northward

      As things progress and the adoption grows, the demand for Bitcoin and crypto in general volition surge, and it is totally possible that it will get up to all-fourth dimension high or more. So, I would say $xxx,000.<\/p>\n\n\north\n\n\n\n\n\north","created_at":"2020-01-ten sixteen:41:02","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:eighteen:01","sort":34,"translations":{"id":1160,"explained_post_id":1167,"title_en":"Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam","content_en":"

      \"Alexander<\/p>\due north\north

      I don&rsquo;t recall I have a solid basis for making such predictions, but I will try.<\/p>\n\n

      Using the basic logic, we can play inside the historical all-time high and all-time low boundaries. I think it is possible that at some bespeak in 2022 Bitcoin may striking the all-time low or even go a bit below it, then I would say the low can be $3,000.<\/p>\north\n

      As things progress and the adoption grows, the demand for Bitcoin and crypto in general volition surge, and it is totally possible that it will get up to all-fourth dimension high or more. And then, I would say $thirty,000.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_es":"","content_es":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_cn":"","content_cn":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_de":"","content_de":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_it":"","content_it":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_ar":"","content_ar":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_br":"","content_br":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_jp":"","content_jp":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","created_at":"2020-01-10 16:41:02","updated_at":"2020-01-10 17:18:01","title_kr":"","content_kr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","title_tr":"","content_tr":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"}}],"is_partner_material":false,"commentsSection":{"schemaEntityUrl":"\/\/\/explained\/experts-share-what-will-bitcoins-price-look-like-in-2020","list":[],"amount":0,"i18n":{"addComment":"Add a comment...","amountOnePostfix":"Comment","amountPostfix":"Comments","cancel":"Cancel","delete":"Delete","edit":"Edit","errorBig":"Comment text cannot be longer than 2000 characters","errorDuplicate":"Duplicate comment","errorSmall":"Comment text must be at least 2 characters 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","leadfull":"","category_id":65,"category_url":"https:\/\/\/explained","category_title":"Explained","author_url":"https:\/\/\/authors\/cointelegraph","author_hash":"aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9hdXRob3JzL2NvaW50ZWxlZ3JhcGg=","author_title":"Cointelegraph","author_img":"https:\/\/\/images\/32_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy84YWQ1MDQxMTlmNjA2YjJiOGY0ZmVjZTU2NjgwMTA4Zi5qcGc=.jpg","date":"JAN 08, 2022","flash_date":"JAN 08, 2022","sponsored":false,"press_release":false,"sponsored_label":"Sponsored","explained":true,"badge":{"title":"New Year Special","label":"info"},"published":{"date":"2020-01-08 14:40:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"stat_uniqs":4,"rss_date":"Wed, 08 Jan 2022 14:40:00 +0000","publishedW3":"2020-01-08T14:40:00+00:00","show_referral":false,"isMagazine":false},{"id":37779,"retina":"https:\/\/\/images\/1480_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","img":"https:\/\/\/images\/740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","thumb370":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","amp_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","thumb150":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lMGYzOTI5MDBjOWU3YzAzM2MzY2ZmMmE5YWVmODEyNS5qcGc=.jpg","url":"https:\/\/\/news\/blockchain-and-crypto-will-security-issues-finally-be-dealt-with-in-2020","title":"Blockchain and Crypto: Will Security Issues Finally Be Dealt With in 2022?","lead":"The lack of security has remained as the main issue in crypto space. What could possibly be changed in 2022?","leadfull":"","category_id":81,"category_url":"https:\/\/\/category\/opinion","category_title":"Opinion ","author_url":"https:\/\/\/authors\/alex-kech","author_hash":"aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9hdXRob3JzL2FsZXgta2VjaA==","author_title":"Alex Kech","author_img":"https:\/\/\/assets\/img\/icons\/author_male.jpg","date":"JAN 09, 2022","flash_date":"JAN 09, 2022","sponsored":false,"press_release":false,"sponsored_label":"Sponsored","explained":false,"badge":{"title":"New Year Special","label":"info"},"published":{"date":"2020-01-09 13:49:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"stat_uniqs":4604,"rss_date":"Thu, 09 Jan 2022 13:49:00 +0000","publishedW3":"2020-01-09T13:49:00+00:00","show_referral":true,"isMagazine":false},{"id":58482,"retina":"https:\/\/\/images\/1480_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","img":"https:\/\/\/images\/740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","thumb370":"https:\/\/\/images\/370_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","amp_thumb":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","thumb150":"https:\/\/\/images\/150_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvNzIzOTZmYzUtMjZlZS00M2M0LWFjMWYtNWRmYzgxNTdmOTY3LmpwZw==.jpg","url":"https:\/\/\/news\/what-lies-ahead-for-crypto-and-blockchain-in-2021-experts-answer","title":"What lies ahead for crypto and blockchain in 2022? Experts answer","lead":"Here's what industry leaders foresee in the development of the blockchain technology and crypto space in 2022.","leadfull":"","category_id":81,"category_url":"https:\/\/\/category\/opinion","category_title":"Opinion ","author_url":"https:\/\/\/authors\/max-yakubowski","author_hash":"aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9hdXRob3JzL21heC15YWt1Ym93c2tp","author_title":"Max Yakubowski","author_img":"https:\/\/\/images\/32_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8yODI3Y2I0YjY5MGM3YWE5OTc5MzU1NDE0NWQ5YzhjYi5qcGc=.jpg","date":"JAN 04, 2022","flash_date":"JAN 04, 2022","sponsored":false,"press_release":false,"sponsored_label":"Sponsored","explained":false,"badge":{"title":"New Year Special","label":"info"},"published":{"date":"2021-01-04 17:43:00.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"stat_uniqs":40072,"rss_date":"Mon, 04 Jan 2022 17:43:00 +0000","publishedW3":"2021-01-04T17:43:00+00:00","show_referral":true,"isMagazine":false}]}" :shares="{"facebook":{"url":"https:\/\/\/sharer\/sharer.php?u=%URL%","icon":"facebook","title":"Facebook","sizesAllowed":[{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"}],"position":i,"status":truthful},"twitter":{"url":"https:\/\/\/intent\/tweet?text=%TEXT%","icon":"twitter","title":"Twitter","position":two,"status":true,"sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}]},"telegram":{"url":"https:\/\/\/share\/url?url=%URL%&text=%TEXT%","icon":"telegram","championship":"Telegram","position":iii,"status":true,"sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra pocket-sized devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}]},"linkedin":{"url":"https:\/\/world wide\/shareArticle?mini=true&url=%URL%&championship=%Championship%","icon":"linked-in","title":"LinkedIn","position":5,"status":true,"sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small-scale devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}]},"copy":{"url":"%URL%","icon":"copy","position":vii,"title":"Copy Link","sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}],"status":true},"whatsapp":{"url":"https:\/\/\/?text=%Title% %URL%","icon":"whats-app","title":"Whatsapp","sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}],"position":six,"condition":truthful},"reddit":{"url":"https:\/\/\/submit?url=%URL%&title=%TITLE%","icon":"reddit","title":"Reddit","sizesAllowed":[{"size":"xxs","label":"Extra small devices","breakpoint":"< 480px"},{"size":"xs","label":"Smartphones","breakpoint":"> 480px"},{"size":"sm","label":"Small tablets","breakpoint":"> 768px"},{"size":"md","label":"Medium devices","breakpoint":"> 992px"},{"size":"lg","label":"Large devices","breakpoint":"> 1200px"}],"position":4,"status":true}}" id="all">


      Paolo Ardoino, Chief engineering science officer of Bitfinex

      Paolo Ardoino, Chief technology officer of Bitfinex

      I don&rsquo;t wait Bitcoin to drib beneath $half-dozen,000. We might run across some FUD before the Bitcoin halving. By the stop of 2022, I think the Bitcoin price will be at least $20,000.


      Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream

      Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream

      I have previously commented that I thought $250,000 to $500,000 would exist plausible in the longer term. I think there is a practiced prospect of exceeding the previous all-time high of $xx,000 in 2022, as the effects of the halving and engineering fundamentals come to bear, peradventure reaching as loftier every bit $100,000.


      Marc P. Bernegger, Fintech investor at Crypto Finance

      Marc P. Bernegger, Fintech investor at Crypto Finance

      Max: $55,000

      Min: $22,000

      In add-on to the halving and inflow of institutional funds into crypto assets, I consider the macroeconomic situation to exist a strong driver of the Bitcoin cost.

      In a fiscal market completely distorted by primal banks, Bitcoin offers one of the very few hedging opportunities, which is increasingly realized by traditional investors.

      It would not surprise me if in 2022 some of the bubbles created by the artificial glut of money flare-up, which will requite Bitcoin a significant heave equally an alternative nugget class.


      Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox

      Sebastian Borget, Co-founder and chief operations officer at The Sandbox

      I would say the interesting question here is non the price of BTC, but whether BTC (and other master cryptocurrencies, such as ETH) will exist more than widely adopted on a long-term basis rather than merely for a pure speculative attribute. We do not want to see a repeat of 2022, when users jumped hastily into crypto. I would adopt to run into a genuine involvement in the applied science and its application and an overall appreciation of the utility of the tokens that support the different networks, products and services congenital upon the public ledger applied science. And while near of the altcoins take depreciated in value over the terminal two years, ERC-721/ERC-1155 based nonfungible tokens have gone up, with some keen examples such as Gods Unchained cards doing a 3&ndash;4x multiple or Axie Infinity Mystic creatures.

      Final calendar week, we launched our first round of the Land presale, representing 2.v% of the game map. The 3,096 bachelor presale LANDS (including those from our partners) were bought by users in about iv hours, with 2,123 State parcels sold within the outset 60 minutes alone! Hundreds of users participated in our LAND presale and are now owners of a piece of The Sandbox metaverse. It is a great success!

      Gamers and content creators were the first to empathise the potential of NFTs. where game assets become blockchain-backed digital assets, tokenized as NFTs that are tradeable on a complimentary and open decentralized marketplace. Through this, players can enjoy permissionless transfer of their assets from one game to another, retaining digital scarcity, security and actuality.


      Benedikt Bünz, Co-founder of Findora

      Benedikt B&uuml;nz, Co-founder of Findora

      Between $1,000 and $1,000,000


      Virginia Cram-Martos, CEO of Triangularity

      Virginia Cram-Martos, CEO of Triangularity

      No, I cannot make such predictions, because I am non interested in crypto as an investment. I am interested in it as a tool for providing services, and particularly services that facilitate trade or create opportunities for developing countries or the poor. For example, low-toll insurance for small, single crop farmers in Africa, or trade financing for SMEs or the ability to offering infrastructure bonds at prices that can be purchased by the eye class. These can exist impacted by very large movements in crypto (particularly on the upside), so I proceed my eye on the marketplace &mdash; but I make no attempt to predict its future.


      Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance

      Changpeng &ldquo;CZ&rdquo; Zhao, Founder and CEO of Binance

      At that place are many different perspectives on the hereafter of the market. Bitcoin is however a small market cap musical instrument, and so in that location volition be high volatility in the short term. However, if you look at the fundamental technology, the longer-term view, most a five-twelvemonth or 10-year horizon, we're very confident that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are hither to stay. In fact, blockchain will accept a bigger impact on guild than the internet. The manufacture will get bigger &mdash; and when the industry gets bigger, the price will go higher. Nosotros are also seeing an increasing amount of interest from institutional players, which as well indicates a more bullish marketplace in 2022.



      Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin

      Alejandro De La Torre, Vice president at Poolin

      Max: $14,000

      Min: $5,000


      John deVadoss, Caput of development at Neo

      John deVadoss, Head of development at Neo

      The value of asset forecasting is to make election polling expect adept.

      In all seriousness, the motivation in investing in BTC (and crypto at big) is in relation to its benefits over the competition. The best performing asset of the past decade has been BTC; I don&rsquo;t meet why there cannot exist an encore over the next decade.


      Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC

      Daniel Diemers, Head of blockchain at PwC

      I believe no one can seriously predict price levels &mdash; this hasn&rsquo;t worked in 2022, 2022, 2022 and neither this year. So, my prediction is $100,000 for ane BTC by the finish of 2022, which is probably more wishful thinking. But on a more serious note: I remain bullish on the lead currency that BTC is for two reasons: We see a lot of incumbents, traditional banks, wealth managers, and even asset managers moving into crypto. That&rsquo;s actually my daily work: defining strategies for them on how to successfully enter the arena and bring their clients &mdash; but also their own organization and culture &mdash; into the crypto world. Alongside that, we&rsquo;ll run into much more than what I phone call &ldquo;BTC-access products&rdquo;: derivatives on BTC, mutual funds, and &mdash; one day &mdash; ETFs. The second reason is, in my view, that BTC is indeed the lighthouse currency in an increasingly circuitous non-fiat ecosystem: Think security tokens and stablecoins striking the markets, they will be pegged to their corresponding underlyings, and so BTC as an &ldquo;independent,&rdquo; liquid, popular and noncorrelated cryptocurrency will actually gain in entreatment, also considering of the stability of the blockchain &ldquo;behind&rdquo; Bitcoin. Hither, the miners play a key role, then I&rsquo;thousand always following closely, for example, how miners make choices beyond Bitcoin, Bitcoin Greenbacks and Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.


      Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet

      Adam Ficsor, CEO of Wasabi Wallet

      Min: $0, Max: int.MaxValue


      Joshua Frank, CEO of The Tie

      Joshua Frank, CEO of The TIE

      In that location is too much dubiety in the marketplace to predict the price of Bitcoin. It is a relatively illiquid market that remains susceptible to manipulation and that is facing significant regulatory uncertainty globally. If the landscape remains similar to the fashion information technology is today &mdash; regulatory doubt, failing retail involvement and limited fundraising for funds I do not call up we will run across upward asset movement. I do believe that the market is maturing and that Bitcoin is establishing equally an culling asset class that should be a composite part of a diversified investment portfolio. Some major catalysts for upwards cost move would be RIAs becoming more than comfortable with digital assets, the SEC approving ETFs or structured products, increasing liquidity in institutional markets, and the ultimate catalyst (which we are not quite set for) is pensions allocating to digital avails.


      Mati Greenspan, Founder of Breakthrough Economics

      Mati Greenspan, Founder of Quantum Economics

      With a 99% certainty, we tin can say that Bitcoin will remain within a wide range between $100 and $ane million.


      Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX

      Arthur Hayes, CEO of BitMEX

      Max: $20,000

      If the inflation and store of value narrative takes concur, Bitcoin should regain its previous all-time loftier. It&rsquo;s a significant physiological level. I await it will flirt a while with that figure, then eventually break through.

      Min: $3,000

      Through anecdotal evidence, I believe the median efficiency miner&rsquo;due south marginal price of Bitcoin is in the $3,000 to $4,000 range. True Bitcoin range bottoms are formed around the breakeven point for the median miner. If we revert back to bear territory, I look the price to hold $three,000.


      Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer

      Ivan on Tech, YouTube influencer

      Min: $3,400 &mdash; considering it&rsquo;s higher than the lowest cost in 2022 and Bitcoin typically sets higher lows each yr.

      Max: $200,000 &mdash; everything is possible in crypto, especially with illiquid banking system, the Fed going haywire with repo operations and the looming recession.


      Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves

      Sasha Ivanov, Founder and CEO of Waves

      Regarding BTC price, I can say i thing only: On average, it will grow.


      Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officer of Bitwala

      Christoph Iwaniez, Chief financial officer of Bitwala

      I'g agape I tin can't comment on that. Such a prognosis might even exist interpreted by our customers every bit unauthorised investment advice.

      A physical prediction tin perhaps be fabricated: The price of Bitcoin will continue to fluctuate wildly. With the halving in 2022, the increasing number of products bringing liquidity to the market and new regulatory issues (sometimes positive, sometimes negative), the price will remain very exciting.


      Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust

      Sanja Kon, Vice president of global partnerships at Utrust

      Nosotros have seen industry leaders make toll predictions in the past and become them drastically incorrect time and time again.

      There are a number of factors influencing the markets, and volatility is still something the cryptocurrency market needs to overcome.

      That said, with increased institutional investment and the rise of primal bank digital currencies, I am confident that in the long term, BTC will continue to ascension and thrive.


      Evan Luthra, Series tech entrepreneur, founder of and

      Evan Luthra, Serial tech entrepreneur, founder of and

      Of form, I would similar the Bitcoin price to become to the moon. Nevertheless, in 2022 it is unlikely that the maximum will be reset.

      Yes, a new Bitcoin halving volition happen on May 17, 2022, and after this event, the block advantage will be halved again (to half dozen.25 BTC). Such a reduction volition lead to an increment in need and, appropriately, price. Therefore, 2022 may exist amend than 2022. Jan 2022 was the worst month for Bitcoin, so the 2022 rally should be expected in February&ndash;May before halving. If by February the price is stably above $7,000, then past the end of the year, growth is possible higher up the loftier of 2022 &mdash; $thirteen,920. That said, Bitcoin is a highly speculative musical instrument and can react in a very fast manner to daily events such as the prospect of war and we could potentially run into even $50,000 per Bitcoin in 2022!


      Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius

      Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius

      I can see BTC going above $25,000 a few months later the BTC halving, but nosotros may kickoff the year every bit low every bit $6,000. Bitcoin is a volatile asset &mdash; but that doesn&rsquo;t go far a bad store of value. As CNN reported, BTC has been the best performing nugget over the last 10 years. I won&rsquo;t be surprised if it&rsquo;due south again the best performing nugget in the 2022s.


      Nicholas Merten, Founder of YouTube channel DataDash

      Nicholas Merten, Founder of YouTube channel DataDash

      I believe the minimum and maximum price Bitcoin volition exist at past the end of 2022 is $16,000 and $24,000. The reason for this is considering of a few fundamental elements that I've referenced previously on Twitter. When:

      • The halving cuts new daily issued Bitcoin in half,
      • PlusToken finishes selling its Bitcoin and Ether,
      • And more than institutional onramps become bachelor,

      &hellip;Bitcoin&rsquo;s price will get-go to move higher, and at a very fast pace. This range considers the fact that past the end of the year of the terminal halving, we saw Bitcoin'south toll near its all-time highs. So, a spread effectually $twenty,000 would be realistic, co-ordinate to history.



      Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and founder at Bitcoin Suisse AG

      Niklas Nikolajsen, Chairman and founder at Bitcoin Suisse AG

      No, I cannot and no one can. But if I am forced to bring out my dusty crystal ball, I would gauge that in terms of Bitcoin price, 2022 volition be a year similar to that of 2022. That is, nosotros will see a positive tendency starting upward to the halving and we will see Bitcoin reach close to a new all-fourth dimension high. But that we perhaps need ane last shakeout of weak hands before a new sustained positive trend takes hold. With this in mind, I estimate for a minimum price of $5,900 and a maximum toll of $17,000.


      Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec

      Kim Nilsson, Blockchain researcher at WizSec

      First of all, allow me reiterate that toll isn't the same as value. Bitcoin even so has largely the aforementioned value suggestion at a price of $100 or $100,000, and it's what Bitcoin *does* that's a force for modify in the globe, not the speculative dollar value of one BTC. For most "shitcoins," however, the price is what matters, with people but looking to become rich quick by exploiting others' desire for the same.

      All that having been said, my guess is that BTC will generally stay under $ten,000 for a while longer, and maybe even exam its supports once again at $3,000. At some point, it will probably make some other breakout bull run, only I don't call up we're anywhere close to seeing Bitcoin's true market value yet. I don't mean this equally a "to the moon" prediction, just that it's far too soon to properly weigh the worth of 1 BTC when we don't know how Bitcoin will ultimately stop up irresolute the world of finance yet.


      Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi

      Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi

      Max: $60,000

      Min: $5,000

      I think we could run across substantial upside afterward the halving that triggers a new moving ridge of capital that drives the price to another major parabolic cycle. I don&rsquo;t think at that place is much downside below current levels.


      Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

      Phillip Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

      This question is very difficult and I would not like to give an estimate. On the one manus, in that location is the narrative that considers Bitcoin as digital aureate. According to this, the price of a Bitcoin would quickly be in the six-figure range. On the other hand, there are developments in India, Mainland china and other countries that make cryptocurrencies very sceptical. If appropriate measures are taken in economically important countries, the price of Bitcoin tin too drib massively, for example to a low 4-digit number. These two farthermost cases are both possible in principle and can be argued. This is exactly where the enormous volatility comes from, which nosotros have been observing for some time at present.


      Robert Schwertner, Influencer

      Robert Schwertner, Influencer

      Can I predict the Bitcoin price at the stop of 2022? Sure, to the third decimal place! vii,000 euros &mdash; plus/minus 5,000 euros.

      I run across no future for Bitcoin. It is not suitable as a means of payment &mdash; who wants to spend 10 minutes at the checkout in the supermarket for verification. And there is hardly any innovation associated with information technology. And once the fast Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, arrives, it will exist too late, and then others will be alee.


      Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner

      Danny Scott, CEO of CoinCorner

      I've actually stopped trying to predict the Bitcon price, equally information technology's really anyone'south guess when trying to predict particular time scales. I'm confident the toll will continue to rise in the long term, just predicting the price brusque term has become an impossible chore.

      Only for fun, let's say betwixt $12,000 and $28,000.


      Alexandra Tinsman, President of the NEM Foundation

      Alexandra Tinsman, President of the NEM Foundation

      I don&rsquo;t like to speculate on price, simply I believe it still has lots of growth potential.


      Ulli Spankowski, Master digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart

      Ulli Spankowski, Chief digital officer at Boerse Stuttgart

      Unfortunately, I cannot brand a statement on this. We are neutral, but we are pleased if the courses develop positively.


      John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock

      John Todaro, Director of TradeBlock

      My best estimate, I would put a max price on Bitcoin of $25,000 and a minimum of $four,000&ndash;$five,000.


      Vladimir Tomko, Co-founder, CEO and game producer at Blockchain Cuties Universe

      Vladimir Tomko, Co-founder, CEO and game producer at Blockchain Cuties Universe

      It&rsquo;s hard to accurately predict Bitcoin price, but considering the upcoming halving and historical data, I believe that minimum value will be effectually $6,500 and maximum value during hype can reach around $80,000, with a new solid bottom at around $fifteen,000.


      Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift

      Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift

      Min: $5,400 (I recollect we won&rsquo;t retest the $iii,000 prices ever again, but we could still have months of bearishness ahead).

      Max: $150,000 (If chimera #5 occurs in 2022, I think nosotros could get up to $150,000 &mdash; and if so, it&rsquo;ll never autumn below $twenty,000 once again).

      Whale Alert

      Nosotros get a lot of questions near price forecasts. Even though Whale Alert is used by many traders as a tool to predict prices and trends, we aim to remain a neutral political party; nosotros offering no predictions or endorsements for whatever cryptocurrency or platform.


      Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam

      Alexander Zaidelson, CEO of Beam

      I don&rsquo;t recall I take a solid basis for making such predictions, simply I will try.

      Using the basic logic, we can play within the historical all-time high and all-time depression boundaries. I recall it is possible that at some indicate in 2022 Bitcoin may hitting the all-time low or even get a flake below it, then I would say the depression tin can be $3,000.

      Equally things progress and the adoption grows, the demand for Bitcoin and crypto in full general will surge, and it is totally possible that information technology volition become up to all-time loftier or more than. So, I would say $thirty,000.


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