
Who Is The Strongest Anime Character 2020

Strongest Anime Characters

Strong Anime Characters. Still ane of the virtually fascinating aspects of the anime medium that we loved back from Babyhood.

And with the broad variety of shows to cull from, this selected group gets added with a bunch of new members every now then.

We still love to compare our beloved characters and encounter who is stronger than whom.

It'southward just a normal, weeb activity now. Therefore, to contribute to the customs and add value to this give-and-take, I have decided to create the Peak 50 Strongest Anime Characters list.

Since anime doesn't have any metric to estimate strengths, all of the rankings are made from personal judgment.

Moreover, to brand the list rich and various, a lot of characters from only one anime are avoided because that would make this activity way too monotonous *cough* Dragon Brawl *coughing*.

And so grab your favorite action figurine, prepare for a Kamehameha every bit we dive into the Height 50 Strongest Anime Characters list.

I hope y'all enjoy information technology!

50. Low-cal Yagami

Light Yagami

Let'south begin our super long and stiff list with my human Light. Now for those of you who accept no idea why I am talking most a ray of light, allow me clear it up.

Light Yagami is the main protagonist of the prove nosotros telephone call Decease Note. E'er heard of that?

And my human Light is also in possession of the legendary Death Annotation. Moreover, he is the near capable user of that notebook and that is why he is looked upon equally one of the strongest characters in anime.

I mean think nearly information technology, if the reaches of Death Note are infinite, my human being can kill basically anyone.

Merely since Decease Notation has its limitations, my human light is at the 50th spot.

49. Krillin


The next man on our list is the strongest human in his realm. Although not gonna lie, he doesn't seem to exercise human being things, am I right?

This is Krillin. Krillin is one of the side characters in the drain Brawl serial and he is ane of the but humans in the bear witness.

Although his strength is unreal, he gets overshadowed past those around him. Yet, before the Dragon Ball z series showed up, Krillin was one of the strongest characters in the entire franchise.

And that is also the reason why he is standing on our list with his bald head held loftier.

48. Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro Kamado

We all know how important information technology is to exhale properly. But when yous take this simple activity to the next level, you will feel something unreal.

And mayhap, you would too become one of the strongest humans as well. Tanjiro Kamado is a normal teen from the Demon Slayer franchise.

All the same, when he has his katana in his hand, you are going to have a very hard time against him.

Just by getting proper command over his breathing, this man became stronger than any of us.

Which substantially makes him i of the strongest protagonists in recent anime.

47. Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa Ackerman

In the realm of Attack On Titan, the Ackerman family unit is something to exist scared of.

And yous know that this is more and so true when you realize that our Waifu Mikasa, is a part of that family unit.

Mikasa Ackerman is i of the leading characters in the Attack on Titan franchise. And let'due south only say that going up against her would mean nothing simply death to you.

She is i of the finest soldiers and with her Ackerman blood, she can practise anything and everything to make sure that those Titans don't brand information technology through.

And that is also the reason why she is on our listing.

46. Levi Ackerman

Levi Ackerman

Even if you oasis't watched Set on On Titan, you would have realized that this man is a danger.

Especially if you read the description in the previous entry. This is Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Levi Ackerman.

He is 1 of the leading characters in the Attack On Titan series. And I won't be able to say this without a sense of respect for him but this man is unreal.

Even though he is very short, his strength is no joke. His agility, precision, skills, and stamina are just way too much.

And that is the reason why yous should be afraid of this man. Going up against him means pure death.

And information technology also means that he is ane of the strongest humans in all of anime.

45. Thors


Speaking of one of the strongest humans in anime, allow me to innovate you lot to Thors.

This human is a homo who is a beast. Yes, exactly! Thors is 1 of the leading characters in the Vinland Saga series and let's merely say that he is nothing less than an accented monster.

Despite having naught "unreal aspects" to support him, Thors is probably the strongest human yous can find.

His forcefulness is only unreal and his skill is a topic of discussion. In a 1v1, he is unbeatable.

Heck, even in a 1v100 he is however unbeatable. Don't believe me? But watch the Vinland Saga anime, you would outset believing.

44. Sinbad


From the realm of the Arabian nights stands Sinbad, one of the gifted children in anime.

He is known within the community as one of the well-nigh handsome characters and his force and power just adds up to the number of reasons you should exist SIMPING for him.

I hateful, he is one of the Masters at conquering dungeons and even though he has supernatural factors supporting him, he isn't hollow without them.

He has his strengths and weaknesses that make him more human and his determination is just a reason to live him even more.

In other words, you are jump to feel safety and confident around him. Sinbad is a homo y'all should look up to no affair what.

Just don't pick a fight with him.

43. Tetsuo


Sometimes, y'all are going to find characters that are so unique that y'all will be fascinated by them.

Merely the concept of such characters would make you scratch your head and question everything.

And one such character is none other than Tetsuo. My man correct hither is ane of the leading characters in the serial.

Nonetheless, unlike any other character y'all might have seen to appointment, he is too the adversary of his film, Akira.

He is the one who possesses insane powers that makes him otherworldly and too someone who deserves a rank on our listing.

42. Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya

Hard work and decision can let you win anything and everything. And even though you might not agree to it, my man Izuku definitely does.

Izuku Midoriya is the primary character of the My Hero Academia franchise and he is cypher less than amazing.

He was born without a strong power and therefore, wasn't able to shine as 1 of the strongest beings in his realm and go a hero.

However, with determination and dedication, he managed to make his way to get super strong and finally, have i of the well-nigh powerful quirks in his realm.

And that is also how he became one of the strongest anime characters.

41. Baki Hanma

Baki Hanma

If I were to say who is the strongest human being in the anime industry, there's a heavy chance that this homo's name would have popped upwardly.

Allow me to introduce you to Baki. Hanma Baki is the main grapheme of the Baki series and this man is just a monster.

Just like Thors, his strength is inhumane and can't be compared to anyone else. He tin shell you to expiry in a matter of seconds and you won't even realize it.

And that'southward not something exclusive to y'all. Oh no, my friend. This guy can basically defeat anyone he wishes to.

And to those whom he can't, he is working hard to take care of them every bit well.

Desire a physique like him for certain.

40. All Might

All Might

Call back Izuku Midoriya? The guy whom we talked most earlier? Well, he learned his techniques from this human right here.

Yup, he is the most elite being of the My Hero Academia universe, All Might.

All Might is i of the leading characters in My Hero Academia and he is basically a God at that place.

Not saying that he is some sort of absolute existence or anything simply he is definitely the strongest out of all the characters in the serial.

He is in fact known for beingness the strongest amongst all others and that fact acts equally motivation for well-nigh of them.

Being a symbol is something incredible if you enquire me.

39. Touka


Just considering she is a girl, doesn't mean she can't rip you apart. And if you desire to cross-cheque this fact and so yous can go alee and mess with this beautiful withal lethal girl, Touka.

Touka is one of the leading characters in Tokyo Ghoul and she is dangerous on another level.

Since she is a ghoul, regeneration and unreal activities are part of her natural activities.

Plus, she is also ane of the all-time in the series and is capable of defeating almost other Ghouls.

Ane must be in an incorrect mindset while messing up with her. And her strength is a force to exist afraid of.

38. Exodia


If yous are a fan of Yu Gi Oh, y'all know that this name is something that shivers the strongest.

This is time to talk near one of the strongest beings in the universe of Yu Gi Oh, Exodia.

Exodia is one of the characters in the Yu Gi Oh franchise and information technology is looked upon as 1 of the scariest spellcasters.

Going upwards against it is very close to forfeiting the match considering for the most part, you lot are not going to win.

The sheer corporeality of power and magic that this being hold is incredible and that makes him worthy of continuing on our list.

37. Zorc


Just like Exodia, there is one more being that can't be disregarded in the Yu Gi Oh world.

Looked upon as the Dark 1, this is Zorc. He is one of the strongest characters in the series and has the power and magic to kill an army in an instant.

He uses night magic and his ability to attain victory is on some other level. Talk about raw strength and prowess and you become a fauna that should be feared by all those around him.

Keep him in bank check or else it won't take him any time to make you a field of study of his manslaughter.

Yup, he is incredible yet dangerous on a unlike plane.

36. Asta


Izuku is not the just one who can motivate you with their hard work and determination.

Let me introduce you to my boy Asta too. Asta is the main character of the Black Clover serial and he is known for his bad luck.

He wanted to be the wizard king but unfortunately, he wasn't capable to do so.

In fact, he was the merely one who didn't have magic IN HIS Entire Globe.

All the same, with the power of dedication and hard work, he managed to practice the impossible.

He got his hand on the 5 foliage clover, and now he is on his mission.

With the strangest strength in his realm, he will do all he tin to get the side by side Magician King.

And no one can stop him.

35. Gon


One of the strongest humans still over again, we have our boy Gon. Now unlike Baki or Thors, Gon isn't exactly pure human.

Oh no, my friend. He is a hunter and that is why he already has some supernatural capabilities under his sleeves.

But that'southward not all. He is also very capable as a hunter with insane forcefulness beingness one of the factors.

At present the matter almost his strength actually falls in the spoiler territory and so I won't be telling you guys about it in extreme detail.

But only go along in listen that this guy is potent on a completely different level.

Above everything, you would have seen in the serial at this point. Yup, be excited if you are watching Hunter x Hunter.

34. Killua


Even though Gon became the star of the show at one point, the ane who always captivates u.s. is none other than Killua.

My man non merely has a super hot body but is also very popular. And this popularity will brand sense to you once you realize how amazing he is, as a person.

Despite being super strong, he is apprehensive and his nature is adorable for all the viewers.

Speaking of stiff, my man is so fast, stealthy, and agile that near of y'all won't fifty-fifty realize how he killed all those around yous and you are the last i.

He isn't the absolute strongest in the serial just for the well-nigh part, he is incredibly powerful.

33. Hisoka


This homo correct hither is another creature if you lot ask me. Just like the previous two, he is also from the Hunter x Hunter series.

Nevertheless, the previous two were kids. He is a man. Monster*. Sad about that, that was a typo right there.

And so yeah, he is a monster known even within the serial as a strength to exist reckoned with.

And you would realize the truth virtually it once you lot start the series. I won't spoil you much but this homo is known for his assassination skills.

And his lethal and somewhat pedophile nature seems to attract female anime fans so much.

Can't get your caput around information technology, right? But don't worry, he won't spend a 2d snapping that head of yours.

32. All For One

All For One

Remember when I said that All Might was a God in his series? Yeah, let me to introduce the devil equally well.

Now is the fourth dimension to discuss, All For I. All For One is one of the principal villains in the My Hero Academia franchise and he is just too stiff.

This man has the capabilities to take anyone'due south force and that is what makes him so powerful in the first place.

In the My Hero Academia realm, if you have the ability to run super-fast, he tin take that power from yous and have it for himself or give information technology to someone else.

Just imagine his strength now! I mean, just imagine!

31. Arceus


Yeah, yep, I know I know! Many of you guys might laugh at me for keeping this being right hither.

Only hey, Pokemon is an anime and so he qualifies, ok? Don't question it! Anyway, let me tell those who don't know about him.

He is Arceus, the God of all Pokemon. And since he is a God, he is besides the strongest Pokemon e'er created.

His strength is on an intergalactic level and it is assumed that he created the Pokemon realm just every bit it is today.

We all know how potent Pokemon are in comparison to humans. So imagine being the strongest Pokemon of them all and trying to go against humanity.

Yeah, doesn't seem to exist anything less than a death wish.

30. Eren


This proper noun is not something you haven't heard of. If you have been part of the anime community for even a day, you lot must be aware of this anime.

Only for the small group who isn't, allow me to explain. The next entry on our list is Eren Yeager, the main character of Attack On Titan.

And this man right is a literal monster. He has the power to become a Titan and destroy anything and everything in his path.

Just imagine going against a beast who is probably 50x times bigger than you and has the same intelligent listen every bit your ain.

Oh yes, he is VERY strong.

29. Shigeo Kageyama

Shigeo Kageyama

Psychic powers aren't exactly the most prominent power system in the anime medium. However, we are still aware of its capabilities thanks to the existence of anime like Mob Psycho 100.

And this show is besides home to one of the most unique anime protagonists in recent memory, Shigeo Kageyama.

Shigeo Kageyama aka Mob is a psychic who can do anything and everything with his mind.

However, unlike your expectations, he doesn't utilise his powers at all and instead, relies on his human capabilities to achieve what he wants to.

Simply don't you lot blunder to retrieve he is weak, because once he loses control, he is absolutely unstoppable.

28. Luffy


From one of the most successful anime and manga franchises of all fourth dimension, nosotros accept Luffy.

Luffy is the primary character of the very pop, One Slice and my man has a eye of gold.

Nonetheless, merely considering he doesn't have any ruthless intent doesn't mean he is second to anyone.

Oh no, my friend. His strength is amazing and the powers he gets from his devil fruit are just and then incredible.

He tin stretch his body parts and employ them at his discretion. With i of the most intelligent battle minds, my man manages to defeat anyone who is against him, making him an absolute brute.

27. Kaneki Ken

Kaneki Ken

While Touka is a great girl, she doesn't come nearly my boy correct hither. Allow me to tell you about Kaneki Ken.

A boy who lost everything and gained nothing. Kaneki Ken is the protagonist of the Tokyo Ghoul series.

And this homo had a miserable life all along. Starting time, he became a ghoul, then he was tortured to decease.

However, equally nosotros all know, every defeat is an opportunity for forcefulness, he disregarded all the shortcomings, problems, and drawbacks in his life and became an absolute monster.

He started to torture those who tortured him and in the procedure developed an amount of force that can shiver all those around him.

26. Gojo Satoru

Gojo Satoru

You lot know you lot are incredible when somehow, y'all accept managed to be the most popular graphic symbol of your anime.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's lay our eyes on the handsome hunk, Satoru Gojo. Gojo Satoru is one of the lead characters in the Jujutsu Kaisen series.

And just like All Might, he is basically the God of his series. In fact, anybody including villains knows that they can't win confronting Gojo and fighting him means an automatic death.

He is on our side and acts equally a reassurance for the hero squad. Nevertheless, if he is in a bad mood, the villain and the heroes, both are going to witness a scenery of pure forcefulness.

The strength that can h2o y'all downwards in an instant. Lesson number one, don't mess with Gojo.

Lesson number 2, think lesson number one.

25. Ichigo


Well well, if it isn't the swordsman we all love and appreciate. Let's lay our optics on the monster that we know by the name of Ichigo.

Ichigo Kurosaki is the main character of the Bleach franchise. And I won't prevarication, he is just way also proficient to be a protagonist.

Unlike others who are very weak in the showtime and get strong in the procedure, Ichigo was fairly stiff in the showtime and became even better as time went by.

Before long, y'all wouldn't even realize how insane he became and gathered the force to kill all those effectually him.

Even the villains in his realm developed a fear for him. And that's why he is a protagonist you should respect and love.

24. Natsu


Natsu Dragoneel, a name that many of us accept heard of. And it comes equally no surprise since this man correct here is not going depression on his name.

Natsu is the main character of the Fairy Tail series and uses Burn as his master power.

Nonetheless, as the series progresses, my man becomes improve and better, and soon, he reaches a level that those inside the show hesitate to mess with him.

His fire strength becomes unreal and with his squad, he manages to defeat anyone and anybody who stand against him.

Without a doubt, a existence your shouldn't mess with at all.

23. Meliodas


Hey, can you carve up a mount with a stick? No? Well, likewise bad because this brusque boy correct here can!

And he tin can do much more that y'all can't even fathom. Meliodas is the main grapheme of the Seven Deadly Sins serial and my man is strong by default.

Like, the moment you get-go watching the bear witness, is the moment y'all would realize that Meliodas is being of his own.

Those around him don't fifty-fifty come shut to how strong he is and as the story progresses, the gap becomes clearer and clearer.

There is only one who tin can have his anxiety confronting him. And y'all will notice out well-nigh him as well.

22. Sasuke


Very rarely do we come across a character like Sasuke and watching him destroy those villains is a feeling of excitement on some other level.

Sasuke Uchiha is one of the main characters in the Naruto series. He is the one who went ahead and became the nigh elite student in his academy.

Astonishing grades and amazing performance were simply a few of the many features he had.

However, as the series progressed, his strength started to progress as well. And by the end of Naruto, Sasuke became one of the strongest characters you lot are ever going to meet.

And trust me when I say this, his transformation was amazing.

21. Naruto


Now let'due south talk virtually this GOAT correct here. A proper noun that is very common amongst anime besides equally non-anime fans.

This is the time nosotros include the main grapheme of the amazing show, Naruto. Needless to say, Naruto is the main character of the Naruto franchise and he is an absolute motivation.

No ane can come up out and say that Naruto didn't act like a motivational figure to them when they completed the series.

He was weak when he started only with love and determination in his eyes, he managed to defeat all the obstacles in his path.

And in the procedure, he became ane of the strongest characters in anime history. Don't believe me, just watch the evidence.

In that location's a reason why people compare everyone with his strength.

20. Alucard


Existence able to lay a finger against your ain kind requires a lot of backbone.

And you can spot such a massive amount of courage in our boy Alucard. He is one of the leading characters in Hellsing Ultimate and a potent vampire with that.

The premise of Hellsing requires humans to fight against Vampires. And Alucard is a vampire on his own.

Nevertheless, he is still fighting from the side of humans! Why? Who knows? I mean I know but why should I spoil you?

What I will spoil you about is the fact that he is incredibly strong. A level of force that just tin't exist matched against any character in the series.

Yup, he is THAT amazing. Just expect and see. Surprises are on their way.

19. Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro Kujo

The next 2 entries on our listing are from a certain anime that is known inside the customs by almost everyone.

Yup, you guessed information technology correctly, this is about the characters from Jojo'southward Baroque Adventures. First up, we have Jotaro Kujo, who is one of the leading characters from the series.

This man right here is nothing less than a monster in terms of combat. And what makes any JoJo grapheme so amazing is their boxing instinct.

The way these characters plan out their strategies and work upon them is impeccable. And Jotaro is 1 of the elite ones amongst them as well.

Imagine being cornered past any of these characters. I wonder if life is going to spare you now.

Maybe not.

18. Joseph Joestar

Joseph Joestar

The next boy is Joseph Joestar and just like his previous mate, he is too an incredibly stiff character whom we just can't ignore.

You can't go wrong with Joseph and his strength. Even though he isn't the absolute strongest in his bear witness, he is still someone you lot wouldn't wanna mess with.

And his stand just so happens to boost his strength to the side by side level equally well.

I don't desire to spoil yous by telling you what his stand is. Just permit's just say that his ability is something that volition shock you instantly.

Plus, we already have the famous boxing tactics and mind games in the show. Therefore, these characters are no jokes to be ignored.

Joseph tin solo clear entire universes of many anime and we wouldn't even be able to realize it.

Yes, simply lookout man him destroy, you will exist shocked.

17. Frieza


Dragon Ball series ever had some of the near insane characters even when it started.

And this can be cross-checked by taking a look at one of the first villains from the franchise, Frieza.

The destroyer of planets and devil for many, this intergalactic ruler is something that yous and I wouldn't wanna face in real life.

Not but is he ruthless with his massacres and crimes, but he is also incredibly strong.

He is shown to exist able to destroy planets with just his finger. Yup, he has destroyed planets with merely a finger.

Don't question information technology! He is known as the destroyer for a reason. And even inside his universe, he was this stiff naturally.

He trained for 4 months in the dragon ball super series and Bam, managed to reach the level of Gods.

So yeah, Frieza is strong. And when I say strong, I hateful horribly strong. Don't mess with him.

xvi. Kars


Imagine beingness someone who tried world domination, has committed mass murder, and killed those who stand up in his way.

Seems unreal right? Well, information technology wouldn't anymore once you get to know virtually Kars. This human being right hither is nothing less than a monster who can't be one upwards by anyone.

His powers involve him being able to blind his opponents using light. However, the way he uses his seemingly simple power and manages to defeat the opponent is just incredible.

Information technology'southward a affair of manus gestures for this man to trick his opponents and lead him to their demise.

And the ability to kill millions of people is e'er there. Without a doubt, a monster who needs to be stopped.

But did they stop him? Lookout the series to observe out!

15. Fused Zamasu

Fused Zamasu

Yet another Dragon Ball character has fabricated his fashion to the listing, weebs. This time it's the villain from the Dragon Ball Super series and a really potent ane with that.

Allow me to tell you about Fused Zamasu. Fused Zamasu is one of the antagonists of the Dragon Ball Super series.

And this man has the body of Goku fused with the God of Cosmos of Universe 10.

Therefore, his strength reaches a level that simply can't be put in any measure. Recall almost it, being a God fused with someone who has attained the powers of a God.

This equation is God + God = Y'all are done. And that is why this homo is always bad news.

Even within the series, this man was a lot of trouble to deal with. So yeah, Fused Zamasu is a force to be reckoned with.

14. Vegeta


Probably the most famous deuteragonist of all time, we have Vegeta. Now this man correct here is the symbol of difficult work and determination being put upfront.

And this is what makes him so stiff. Considering of his hunger for force and ability, he is one of the strongest characters in the unabridged Dragon Brawl franchise.

He is known for his big-headed and cocky-centered behavior. However, he is also known for his deep and mind-blowing piece of work ethic.

Despite all his defeats, he has managed to surpass all those who were above him and he keeps moving frontwards.

Right now, inside the series, he has achieved the power levels that exceed that of a God.

And that is why the Prince is and so high on this listing. If you lot want some peachy motivation then he is the one you should look up to.

thirteen. Saitama


In the anime community, there are just 2 people you would have for force comparison.

One of those is Saitama. Now, who is Saitama you may inquire? Well, Saitama is the principal character of the 1 Dial Man serial.

And only every bit the name sounds, he is a hero who tin can defeat anyone in just ane punch.

That'south right, ladies and gentlemen, this baldy tin defeat anyone, and by anyone, I mean anyone, with just a single punch.

That'southward the premise of the show. In that location is no second thought virtually it. And it is shown in the anime that he can intermission a meteorite and someone's jaw with just I Punch.

His force is still a mystery but no doubt. He is incredibly strong and his power levels are something we but can't measure.

Don't fifty-fifty think almost going confronting him. Otherwise, you would reach hell one punch later.

12. Gilgamesh


The Fate Series has some of the nearly insane characters in anime history. And 1 of them is the legendary Gilgamesh.

This human being is not but super handsome only also super strong. And if you don't know about him, let me give you some trivia.

Gilgamesh is one of the leading characters in the Fate franchise and allow'south just say that he is bad news.

Going confronting him non merely ways that you are going to arrive a brutal fight, just information technology likewise somewhat confirms that yous are going to cease upwardly dead.

Yup, he is a carnivore. And his skills are jaw-dropping, to say the least. I can proceed and on about his strength.

But allow's save something for yous to watch likewise.

11. Utsuro


Now so, permit's talk nigh some insane murderers. Those who just can't be put into words for their actions.

And I don't think anyone fits this lethal description meliorate than Utsuro. For those who don't know, he is the master antagonist of the Gintama franchise and this guy is not someone you would wanna miss with.

He has killed an innumerable number of people and his powers include insane speed, strength, and agility thanks to his assassinator background.

If y'all were to ask me, he tin can destroy anyone and everyone without breaking a sweat.

And that likewise means that you should beware of him. Being able to impale all of your opponents without breaking a sweat is non something nosotros meet that oftentimes.

And that is why he is so high on this list.

10. Goku


Well, well. Would yous expect at that? We are in the Top 10 Ladies and Gentlemen.

These are some of the strongest characters y'all tin find in the anime medium. And I won't lie, all of these characters are so strong, they would merely blow your mind.

And yous know that they would be on another plane when y'all see that this segment is existence started with the legendary Goku.

Goku is the main grapheme of the Dragon Ball Franchise and he is just unreal.

Remember when I said that at that place are ii characters people apply to compare someone for strength.

Yeah, the showtime one is Goku. And his strength has get popular to the point that he has get somewhat of a metric himself.

I mean just call up well-nigh it, he tin destroy anyone and anybody without lifting a finger, most of the time.

And equally the serial progresses, his strength does as well which means that he volition get even stronger.

Right now, he is beyond the level of a God and is ready to exist mastering the Ultra instinct technique.

I don't think I need to say more nearly him. Since most of you already know how popular he is.

The bottom line, Goku is beyond strong. You lot can't even put it into words.

9. Sagittarius Seiya

Sagittarius Seiya

Now we are reaching levels where the strong marker is just out of the box.

And we tin't put any marking on them. With the next entry on our listing, you will be certain why I am saying this.

Permit's talk about Sagittarius Seiya. And I only can't put into words how strong he is.

I think virtually of you would have got an idea of his insane strength considering that he is put above Goku and for comparison, he can practice all that Goku can't YET.

His forcefulness involves the ability to have hits that would otherwise destroy planets without breaking a sweat.

Yup, he is a monster. And the thing is, many of you lot might not even know nearly him.

He is from the famous Saint Seiya series and I can assure you, that if he is on the battlefield, y'all merely tin can't rest peacefully.

I hateful, imagine being able to go against a God's attack and somehow being able to survive it.

Oh yeah, that requires a lot of skill and brute strength. And this is what Sagittarius Seiya already has but there is just and then much more to him and his force.

Now we are at the part of the list where these strengths tin't be put into words.

So get ahead and watch the series to understand why this man is placed and so loftier on our list.

You will exist shocked nonetheless satisfied.

8. Crewman Moon

Sailor Moon

I know many of you are scratching your head thinking that, "How the hell tin a Shoujo anime have such a strong grapheme?".

And to answer your question, I simply have one affair to say, the concept. The concept of Sailor Moon involves beings that are strong on an interplanetary level.

Therefore, these guys are super strong and their force is also the safeguard for those effectually them.

Sailor Moon is a classic anime that gained massive recognition during its release and ambulation.

However, one of the most overlooked aspects of information technology is the power level. With beings as potent as Crewman Moon, this realm is only too strong for any other anime to compete in.

The simply reason why y'all might accept not heard about this before is that this concept is from a Shoujo anime and these anime don't get recognition as much as Shonen does.

But at present you know why you shouldn't ignore those magical girls. They can burn planets to ashes without breaking a sweat.

vii. Beerus


This name should be new to almost no i out at that place. Right from the get-get, this character gained an insane corporeality of popularity cheers to its design and forcefulness.

I hateful, he is the God of Destruction later all. Oh, you don't know who Beerus is?

Quite a rare individual, you are. Anyway, let me just inform y'all virtually him real quick.

Beerus is one of the principal characters in the Dragon Ball Super serial and he is the God of Destruction in the same.

He is also, what I believe, the junction of the Dragon Brawl Series. Before his appearance, the growth in power levels in the Dragon Brawl Franchise was fairly slow.

However, right from his appearance, the series started to reach new, unreal heights of strengths that just tin't exist matched at all.

As for Beerus' force, I would just say that this man destroyed one-half of a planet just with his fingernail.

Read that again. Half a planet with just a fingernail. Don't question his capabilities ever again.

He is a legit God for a reason. And that is why he is also 1 of the strongest characters in all of anime.

vi. Ryuk


This man right here is one of the near interesting characters you are going to observe in the medium of anime.

Ryuk is i of the leading characters in the Death Note franchise but he isn't exactly the real deal.

Expiry Note involves more about Light Yagami and Fifty Lawliet instead of Ryuk. This might surprise you especially once yous realize that this man is the reason for the deaths of millions of people.

Being a Shinigami, he is basically invincible. The only style to kill him is if he makes a mistake.

And that error is fairly known in the Shinigami realm. However, to kill you, he needs nothing other than his death note.

At the start of the listing, I said that Expiry Annotation has its limitations and that'due south why Light ranked last on this list.

Still, Ryuk has default capabilities which involve seeing someone's face and realizing their name and lifespan.

So all the drawbacks he had are basically gone. In a 1v1, you tin't kill Ryuk and if he sees you, he knows your name and confront and at present you are done.

I don't think I need to explain anymore.

v. Shinigami King

Shinigami King

Nosotros are in the Acme 5 Ladies and Gentlemen. These are the strongest of the strongest characters in the realm of anime.

And from hither on out, the list will include characters that are basically Gods. In that location is no realistic style to beat them and they are the accented beings in their realm.

And let's brainstorm this segment of absolute beings with the one from Decease Notation itself, the Shinigami Male monarch.

I just explained defeating Ryuk is essentially impossible. But as y'all tin see, Ryuk is just a normal Shinigami.

And so you tin can imagine how hard information technology would be to impale the King of Shinigami, the one who tin kill other Shinigamis.

While the series didn't bear witness u.s.a. the force of this guy, we can nonetheless rest assured that he is i of the strongest beings nosotros can imagine based on the information we were provided in the show.

Existence the ane responsible for anyone'due south decease is a daunting task. And only the strongest tin can pull it off.

4. Anti Spiral

Anti Spiral

This one might come as a surprise to many of you, but allow me to introduce you to Anti Spiral.

I know many of you guys might non be aware of him or his presence in the anime medium.

But that's fine, now is your time to prepare yourself for this monster. Anti spiral is the principal antagonist of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann serial.

And I won't prevarication, just watching this being on screen gives me shivers. He is not exactly one person but rather a group of beings who live altogether.

And if y'all guys take watched Ben ten, yous would know most Alien X. Anti Screw falls in the aforementioned category.

Just how Alien X is strong on a completely different plane, so is Anti Screw only in the globe of Gurren Lagann.

Plus, it is assumed by many that the King Of Anti Spiral is fifty-fifty stronger than what nosotros tin imagine.

So aye, if you lot are making a list of super-strong anime characters, make certain that y'all include this monstrous being right here.

Their power levels are way over 9000.

three. Truth


Nosotros are in the Superlative 3, ladies and gentlemen. This is it. The last stretch.

And I won't lie to you guys, all three of these characters are and then strong that even ranking them seems pointless.

They are perfect beings that can't be defeated by anyone and a fight amid all three of them would result in yeh accented destruction of the universe.

And let's first talking about these Gods with our beginning subject, Truth. Now for those of you who are wondering what the hell is Truth, please give me a run a risk to explain.

Truth is one of the side characters in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. And why is he so strong?

Well, in the globe of Fullmetal Alchemist, the absolute rule is that of equivalent commutation.

For something to be obtained, something of equal value must be given. And this rule is gear up by Truth himself.

Now I won't spoil you near his strength considering he plays a very important role in the ending of the Fullmetal Alchemist series.

But for now, yous just need to know that he is the absolute being, the God of the Fullmetal Alchemist earth who is second to none.

And once you lookout man the serial, you would as well realize that his forcefulness is non something to measure out.

It is something to witness and feel. Truth is Absolute!

2. Kami Tenchi

Kami Tenchi

For runner-upward, nosotros take nevertheless some other absolute being on our listing. Yet, I am certain that many of you lot don't even know who he is.

And it's great because in one case you lot know near him, your mind will await at any other anime character with a sense of pity towards him.

He is Kami Tenchi, the one who is not a role of the universe, he is one!

Kami Tenchi is one of the mentioned characters in the anime known every bit Tenchi Muyo.

And but to explain how strong he is, let me tell yous a quick fact near him.

He isn't a part of the universe, similar any other being on this list. He IS the universe.

Yup, yous read that correctly. Kami Tenchi is a transcended being who was beyond our comprehension.

He doesn't have any age, gender, or form to restrict him. He is far above and beyond all this and stands as the accented being over everyone.

Without a doubtfulness, one of the most insane and interesting characters in the anime medium.

And permit's just say that when you watch the series, you lot would realize his true potential even better.

Kami Tenchi is Kami Tenchi. Yous can't compare him to anything.

1. Zeno


And for the number 1 spot, nosotros have Zeno. And I don't think this comes as whatsoever surprise to any one of yous if you lot know about the background of this character.

Simply for those of you who don't, let me just requite you a quick info plate.

Zeno is 1 of the side characters in the world of Dragon Ball and he is said to be the God of all Universes.

That's right, he is not the God of a planet or Galaxy, he is the God of all Universes.

He is the God of God of Gods. Too much Godliness right there. And the reason why he is placed higher up everyone else is that in virtually anime, there is only 1 universe.

Just in the Dragon Brawl Series, there were around 18 universes. Zeno was said to have destroyed six of them before.

And later, he destroyed i of them in front end of our eyes. And THAT is why he is so strong.

His power levels can't exist measured at all and he is the one who guides the multiverse, making him the strongest being in his serial and therefore, the strongest being in all of Anime.

And that is why Zeno is at the outset rank on our list. So at that place you lot accept it, weebs.

These are the Summit 50 Strongest Anime characters. Keep in mind that in that location is no metric to judge ability levels in any anime so the ranks of characters on this list can vary to many of you.

Plus, this listing was made for amusement purposes and therefore, a wide variety of characters were included in this instead of making information technology filled with half of Dragon Brawl characters.

I hope you lot empathize. Cheers a lot for reading and until next time, Sayonara!


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